If we do not have an item, get it from another library using interlibrary loan (ILL).

Log-in to ILLiad to place ILL requests, request renewals, and manage accounts.

Formats that can be requested include:

  • Books
  • Articles
  • Book chapter scans
  • Theses and dissertations
  • Music scores
  • Media/audiovisual materials
  • Newspaper/microform
  • Patents

All UH students, faculty, staff, and alumni are eligible for ILL services.

Delivery times and renewals

Generally speaking:

  • Electronic items delivered within 1 business day
  • Physical items available for pick-up within 4 to 7 business days

Delivery times vary based on availability and distance of the lending library.

The bookstrap on your item will say if renewals are allowed. Request renewals in ILLiad.

If the lending library denies your renewal request, we are happy to help you find another copy of the item, so please contact us.

Logging-in to ILL

For most people, your ILL account uses your CougarNet ID and password.

First-time ILL users should register an ILL account. Registration requires your central.uh.edu email address (CougarnetID@central.uh.edu).

Note for UH staff and students: Your CougarnetID@central.uh.edu email and CougarnetID@cougarnet.uh.edu email are the same; the ILL system requires the central.uh.edu version.

If you do not have a CougarNet account, please contact ILL directly.

Alumni are eligible for ILL with UH Alumni Cards.

Password resets

If you cannot log-in to your ILL account, your password may need to be reset.

Unique ILLiad accounts
If your ILLiad username/password is different from CougarNet, contact us to reset it.

CougarNet accounts
If you use your CougarNet password to access ILLiad, try resetting your CougarNet password. Go to the CougarNet Password Wizard.

For other libraries

Use ILLiad Lending to request items from UH Libraries.

Please request a new ILLiad Lending account if you do not have one.

Contact ILL

Interlibrary Loan Department

Our address

University of Houston
Interlibrary Loan
MD Anderson Library
4333 University Drive
Houston, TX 77204-2000


ILL use policies
ILL lending policy
ILL terms of service

Note: ILL is not a good way to get textbooks. Course textbooks are always in high-demand, and many libraries do not collect them or lend them out. We charge special overdue fines for overdue textbooks as well.