Featured Books: Pride Month
University of Houston Libraries invites visitors to explore our book display celebrating Pride Month, located in MD Anderson Library. Selections comprise a variety of nonfiction and fiction, with historical and contemporary perspectives.

A book display in MD Anderson Library highlights voices of LGBTQ communities.
Featured books include:
Alternate Channels: The Uncensored Story of Gay and Lesbian Images on Radio and Television, 1930s to the Present (2000), Steven Capsuto
After Homosexual: The Legacies of Gay Liberation (2014), Carolyn D’Cruz and Mark Pendleton
Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues in Organizations: Global Perspectives on LGBT Workforce Diversity (2016), Thomas Köllen
Feminism is Queer: The Intimate Connection Between Queer and Feminist Theory (2010), Mimi Marinucci
Not Straight, Not White: Black Gay Men from the March on Washington to the AIDS Crisis (2016), Kevin J. Mumford