Featured Books: Women’s History
University of Houston Libraries invites visitors to explore our book display celebrating women’s history, located in MD Anderson Library. Selections comprise a variety of nonfiction and fiction, with historical and contemporary perspectives.

A book display in MD Anderson Library highlights women’s voices.
Featured books include:
Why I Am Not a Feminist (2017), Jessa Crispin
“…demands nothing less than the total dismantling of a system of oppression” (Melville House).
This Is Not Chick Lit (2006), ed. Elizabeth Merrick
A collection of original short stories from American women writers (Random House).
Ladies Coupé (2001), Anita Nair
“The story of a woman’s search for strength and independence” (Penguin India).
American Daughter (1986), Era Bell Thompson
In this autobiography, Thompson describes her life in early twentieth-century North Dakota (Minnesota Historical Society Press).
Style & Status: Selling Beauty to African American Women, 1920-1975 (2007), Susannah Walker
“This book analyzes an often overlooked facet of twentieth-century consumer society as it explores the political, social, and racial implications of the business devoted to producing and marketing beauty products for African American women” (University Press of Kentucky).