Jones Awarded TLA Scholarships

Jerrell Jones
Jerrell Jones, digitization lab manager at University of Houston Libraries, is the 2022 recipient of the competitive Texas Library Association (TLA) Ray C. Janeway Scholarship and the TLA Summer School Scholarship. Both are intended for a graduate student enrolled in a library education program. Jones is completing a Master of Science in Information Science from University of North Texas.
Jones brings a combination of digitization experience and a background in fine art photography to his role at UH Libraries, where he provides management of digitization efforts and library assets supporting the digital curation of UH Special Collections materials; and management of the digitization space and personnel, which includes training, project management, equipment purchasing, and maintenance. Jones has served on several committees at UH Libraries, including search committees, the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CoDI), and task forces for the Digital Asset Management System and Theses and Dissertations digitization projects. One of his current projects is the digital library migration from a legacy ContentDM system to a Hyrax platform digital library. His service to the profession includes committee work for the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries (TCDL).
In addition to the TLA scholarships, Jones is the recipient of the 2021 Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Julia C. Blixrud Scholarship and the 2021-2022 American Library Association (ALA) Spectrum Scholarship.