UH Libraries News

New Interviews on Gulf Coast LGBT Broadcast History Project

The Gulf Coast LGBT Radio and Television Digitization Project received more coverage this week with the release of two interviews. Bethany Scott, head of Preservation and Reformatting, and Emily Vinson, preservation coordinator, led the project to digitize, preserve, and make accessible thousands of hours of Houston’s LGBTQ broadcast history, including recordings that had not been publicly available since their initial broadcast. The project was launched in 2020 with the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Humanities Collections and Reference Resources Program. 

Listen to City Cast Houston “Saving Houston’s LGBTQ History Through Radio Archives”

Listen to North Carolina Public Radio – WUNC Due South “Archive preserves pioneering gay radio broadcasts from the 70s”

Read Scott and Vinson’s 2023 post “Preserving Houston’s LGBTQ Broadcast History: The Gulf Coast LGBT Radio and Television Digitization Project”

Written by Esmeralda Fisher on June 25th, 2024 and filed under Announcements, Featured