UH Libraries News

DRC Hosts Research Clusters

This fall, the Digital Research Commons will host a series of events based on various digital research methods.

To offer a comprehensive introduction to each skill set, the DRC offers events in clusters. Each cluster will consist of three consecutive weeks with a lecture, a hands-on workshop, and a colloquium at which attendees can discuss their works in progress. Future clusters will cover topics including text mining and machine learning.

Cluster One: Network Analysis, October 29 at 12 noon

The first cluster begins with a lecture from assistant professor of management Kristin Cullen-Lester of the C.T. Bauer College of Business, who will discuss “Integrating Networks and Leadership Development: Opportunities and Challenges.” Cullen-Lester’s talk will cover various kinds of network visualizations and methods of network analysis.

The next two events in the network analysis cluster are a hands-on workshop, at 12 noon in the DRC on November 5, and the colloquium, at 12 noon on November 12. The workshop will be a walk-through using current datasets on pre-configured machines. Space at the workshop is strictly limited; please email drc@uh.edu by November 1 if you would like to attend.

Network Analysis
Talk, Kristin Cullen-Lester: 12 noon, October 29
Hands-on workshop: 12 noon, November 5
Colloquium: 12 noon, November 12

Written by Esmeralda Fisher on October 14th, 2019 and filed under Announcements, Digital Research, New Service