UH Libraries News

Student Artist Reception November 8

Morgan Stahl

Morgan Stahl

The Architecture, Design, and Art Library will host an opening reception for student artist Morgan Stahl on November 8 at 12 noon. Her exhibit, Steel Time Capsule, will be on view through January 2020.

Steel Time Capsule is a collection of various memories and representations of myself, my family, and our experiences. Whether it is an item from my grandparent’s house or moment from a fun family vacation, I documented many things from my childhood through my art and sketches,” Stahl said.

Stahl is a designer from Baltimore, Maryland. She moved to Houston to study architecture at the University of Houston. She is in her fifth and final year of school and will graduate in May 2020. Stahl works at DEK Studio as a design professional on various small residential and commercial projects. She first started sketching in middle school while also taking many art classes in and outside of school to continuously learn more about design and art. Growing up in a small but tight knit family has influenced most of her work. Her art is representative of family and the emotions that come with those experiences.

The reception is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served, and the first 10 guests will receive a free gift.

Written by Esmeralda Fisher on October 17th, 2019 and filed under Announcements, Featured, Spaces, Special Event or Display, Student Success