Librarian News

Taylor Davis-Van Atta serves on the Program Planning Committee for the 2019 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries.

Davis-Van Atta co-presented with Annie Wu and Anne Washington “Let it ROAR: University of Houston’s Expansion of Open Access Repository Services” at Digital Library Federation Forum; and was an invited panelist for “Public Knowledge: Re-imagining the Library” at Gensler Research Center.

Wenli Gao wrote “Text analysis of communication faculty publications to identify research trends and interest” which appeared in Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian; and co-wrote with Lisa Martin “Using consultation data to guide services training for liaison librarians” which appeared in Journal of Library Administration.

Gao presented “Piloting emerging research workshops at University of Houston” at Library Association of Singapore Webinar on Remaining Relevant; and “Using easily available data to build collections and understand faculty research for subject librarians” at Texas Library Association District 8 Fall Conference.

Christina Gola and Miranda Bennett co-authored “Going beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Helping New Librarians Navigate Organizational Culture and Values,” in Onboarding 2.0: Methods of Designing and Deploying Effective Onboarding Training for Academic Libraries.

Rachel Helbing began a term as chair of the Bylaws Committee for the South Central Chapter of the Medical Library Association.

Lee Hilyer wrote a book review, “Carly Wiggins Searcy, Project Management in Libraries: On Time, On Budget, On Target,” forthcoming in Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals.

Hilyer was appointed co-chair of the TLA 2020 Local Arrangements Committee.

Vince Lee was promoted to associate librarian.

Lee wrote a feature article in Insights on the Carey C. Shuart Women’s Archive and Research Collection.

Andrea Malone presented “Committee on diversity and inclusion: Cultivating an inclusive library environment” at Brick & Click Libraries with Orolando Duffus.

An article of the same title and co-authored by Duffus, Malone, Elizabeth Cruces, Margaret Dunn, Matthew Moore, Annie Wu, and Frederick Young was published in the above conference’s proceedings.

Malone was re-elected to the Faculty Governance Committee and appointed to the iSchool Florida State University iAdvocacy Board.

Lisa Martin was invited to speak on a panel session, “Marketing Library Academic Resources and Services,” at Charleston Library Conference.

Daniel Pshock gave an invited pre-conference workshop at the Kansas Library Association / Mountain Plains Library Association Joint Conference titled “How to be a one-person UX team in your library.”

Santi Thompson was nominated to stand for election for president-elect/president of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS).

Thompson’s co-presentations include “Assessing for Digital Library Reuse: Findings from the Measuring Reuse Project” at the Fall 2018 Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Meeting; “Get Ready, Get Set, Curate: Understanding the ‘Everyday Curator’” at the Ninth International Conference on the Image, Hong Kong; and at the 2018 Digital Library Federation (DLF) Forum: “Let it ROAR: Expanding University of Houston’s Open Access Services,” “What would the ‘community’ think?: Three grant-funded teams reflect on defining community and models of engagement,” “Telling Our Stories: Assessing Reuse in Digital Libraries,” “Bridge2Hyku: Developing Migration Strategies and Tools,” and “Advancing Digital Library Assessment through Community-Facing Resources.”

Thompson’s co-authored articles include “A Case Study of ETD Metadata Remediation at the University of Houston Libraries” in Library Resources & Technical Services, “Embedded Metadata Patterns Across Web Sharing Environments” in International Journal of Digital Curation, and “Barriers and Solutions to Assessing Digital Library Reuse: Preliminary Findings” in Performance Measurement and Metrics Information.

Mea Warren, Ariana Santiago, and Emily Vinson presented a poster, “A New Approach to Outreach Assessment: Evaluation of ROI for Out-Of-Class Student Programs,” at the Library Assessment Conference.