Azure Active Directory Authentication

Room Reservations/Group Study Rooms (Springshare)

Beginning March 13, 2023, UH Libraries will change how patrons log into Springshare’s LibCal platform.

Services affected are MD Anderson Library Group Study Rooms, Health Sciences Library Group Rooms and the Hamill Foundation Multimedia Studio.

After the change is made, patrons will be prompted to enter their CougarNet ID email ( into the same authentication window (see instructions in sidebar) that they currently see when they log into web services like AccessUH, Primo My Account, Office 365, and the UH Go app.


UH Libraries is planning to change how patrons log into EZproxy on January 9, 2023, at 7AM.

Popular services affected are databases, electronic journals, and streaming media.

After the change is made, patrons will be prompted to enter their CougarNet ID email ( into the same authentication window (see instructions in sidebar) that they currently see when they log into web services like AccessUH, Primo My Account, Office 365, and the UH Go app.