Contemporary Literature Research Collection
- Donald Barthelme "Forum" Collection
- Donald Barthelme Literary Papers
- Steven Ford Brown "Heart's Invention: On the Poetry of Vassar Miller" Papers
- Cynthia Macdonald Papers
- Jan de Hartog Papers
- Mary Foote Manuscripts
- Gulf Coast Journal Records
- Helen Moore Barthelme Papers
- Olive Hershey Papers
- Aldous Huxley Papers
- Sylvan Karchmer Papers
- Bruce Kellner Vassar Miller Papers
- John Lehmann Papers
- Fritz Leiber Papers
- Justin Leiber Papers
- Miscellaneous Literary Manuscripts and Correspondence
- Beverly Lowry Papers
- Marion Knox Barthelme Fort Papers
- Larry McMurtry Papers
- Vassar Miller Papers
- Collection on Kenneth Patchen
- Warren Roberts Papers
- Royal Dixon Papers
- William B. Shrimplin Papers
- Gail Donohue Storey Papers
- John Updike Writers in Society Lecture Records
- UH Creative Writing Program
- Poetry & Prose: Creative Writers at the University of Houston
- Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts
- Inprint