UH Libraries News

New READ Posters Feature UH Faculty

Mimi Lee, Professor, UH College of Education

Mimi Lee, Professor, UH College of Education

Newly promoted and tenured faculty and librarians at the University of Houston recently posed with their favorite books for the UH READ campaign. Launched in 2016 by dean of Libraries Lisa German, the campaign celebrates reading and supports the Libraries’ vision of a community nurtured by curiosity and creativity that drives lifelong learning and scholarship.

This year’s group builds upon an impressive photo display of faculty and librarians whose book selections represent a source of inspiration along their professional journey. These books are now available for check-out, and the photos appear on the first and second floors of the MD Anderson Library.

The latest batch of photos will soon be added alongside the existing READ collection. In the meantime, they are available online.

View a gallery of honorees and their book selections in the Promotion and Tenure Recognition Program online exhibit.

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Written by Esmeralda Fisher on November 21st, 2017 and filed under Announcements