Description: StatPearls provides exam review and self-testing resources. An individual StatPearls account is required.
Instructors need to contact your school’s library liaison to set up an account for student quizzes ( for medicine, for nursing and pharmacy).
Subscribed packages:
- Family Medicine (Board Review)
- Nursing School
- Pharmacy
- USMLE Steps 1, 2, and 3
- EMS-EMT Basic
- Physician Assistant
- Radiology Technology
Access: You must register first through the UH Libraries registration portal using this link: UH Libraries Registration Portal.
Once you are registered, you can log in at the StatPearls website.
Information: Available on campus.
Available off campus with prior registration.
Access is provided through a UH Libraries subscription via a consortial agreement with other Texas libraries.
BoardVitals subscription ending August 31, 2023
The library’s access to BoardVitals will be ending Thursday, August 31st. The group through which we receive BoardVitals is switching to a different board review service, StatPearls, We will have access to select packages on StatPearls starting September 1st.
Packages to be included are:
- Nursing School Package
- Pharmacy Package
- Family Medicine
- USMLE Step 1, Step 2, Step 3
- Physician Assistant Package
- EMS-EMT Basic
- Radiology Technology