Call for Applications: Open Education Incentive Program
University of Houston Libraries is now accepting applications for the Open Education Incentive (OPEN) Program. Formerly known as the Alternative Textbook Incentive Program, the OPEN Program now includes a variety of funding opportunities to support engagement with open educational resources (OER) and open educational practices. Instructors can apply for the following award categories:
- Textbook Affordability Incentive: Instructors can receive funds to replace a required commercial textbook in their courses with OER and/or no-cost alternative resources, such as library licensed or freely available resources. Awards in this category will range from $1,000 to $5,000 based on the cost of the textbook being replaced, projected number of students impacted, type of resources to be adopted, overall feasibility of the proposal, and scope and type of project proposed. Deadline to apply: Friday, March 7, 2025. Instructors are encouraged to apply by February 17 to receive feedback and the opportunity to revise and resubmit their application, if desired. Group applicants are welcome.
- Open Educational Practices Incentive: Instructors can receive funds for either creating openly licensed learning objects, or replacing a traditional assignment with a renewable assignment. Awards in this category will range from $500 to $2,000 based on the project goals, overall feasibility of the proposal, cost of course materials, and scope and type of project proposed. Deadline to apply: Friday, March 7, 2025. Instructors are encouraged to apply by February 17 to receive feedback and the opportunity to revise and resubmit their application, if desired. Group applicants are welcome.
- OER Professional Development Incentive: Instructors can receive funds for participating in a guided professional development program in which they explore and better understand OER through a series of self-paced online learning modules. Participants will attend a required introductory meeting and may attend an optional virtual discussion. Instructors who complete the program will receive $250. Deadline to apply: Friday, February 21, 2025.
OER are teaching and learning resources that are in the public domain or have been licensed in such a way that allows anyone to freely use, modify, and re-purpose them. Open educational practices leverage OER to enhance student learning, and include the creation, use, and reuse of OER, and open pedagogical practices, such as renewable assignments.
The OPEN Program supports the University’s strategic goal of providing a top tier, inclusive educational experience to all UH students. Using open educational resources ensures that educational programs are more financially accessible for all students and complements the Cougar Textbook Access Program administered by Auxiliary Services. Since the launch of open education initiatives in 2018, UH Libraries has helped nearly 20,000 UH students save approximately $2.56 million in textbook costs. Additionally, open educational practices support innovative and creative teaching methods and enhance experiential learning opportunities to enrich student learning.
Interested applicants are encouraged to attend an information session on February 11 to learn about the incentive program and the benefits of open education.
Faculty and instructors may also make an appointment with Open Education Services to discuss implementing OER and the support provided through the incentive program.