Request a Hold

Place a hold on an item and pick it up at a location of your choice.

To place a hold:

  1. Log-in to your account
  2. Use library search with keywords, titles, author names, and more
  3. A list of search results will load
  4. You can request physical books, DVDs, and other items we own for a hold
  5. A panel will load showing more options
  6. Go to the “Get It” section of the panel
  7. If there are multiple locations for the item, select the one you prefer
  8. Select “Request”
  9. Input your Pickup Location
  10. Select the Request button

We’ll email your UH account when the item is ready. Pick-up your item(s) at a pick-up shelf or service desk at the library location.

Please bring a valid Cougar Card for proper check-out.